Monday, September 14, 2015

Still, Those Oscillations

Still, Those Oscillations 

The readings for this last week were very interesting. Instead of focusing on How Yoga Works, which I already made it painfully obvious that I am obsessed with it, I am going to focus on the Vrttis. These simple, Confucian-like sentences have a lot more within them that what appears at first glance. The sentences are constructed very simply, so that everyone could understand their surface value of it. However, each sentences builds off the previous ones, furthering a notions that has been previously established and building off of fundamental values it teaches you. By focusing on each individual Vrtti, one can come to a deeper understanding of the practice of yoga, looking deeper than the singular sentence presented. Then, once the individual sentences are comprehended, they piece together to form a framework that will guide anyone's ability to practice yoga. 

The Vrttis do not simply instruct on how to practice yoga, but what the benefits are, what happens when you fail in your practice, and what happens when you succeed in your practice. The main benefit of yoga is you gain the ability to dwell in your own true splendor, finding a sense of true self. When you fail in your practice, you are overcome with the fluctuations of your mind, caused by everyday life, which will lead you astray. Finally, whenever you succeed in your practice, the fluctuations of your mind are stilled, allowing you to explore yourself internally. 

Practice in class this week was different. First, we had discussions and presentations led by other students. This was nice because it encouraged us to share our thoughts amongst one another and get to know each other better. The presentations both by Kelsey and Maddie were very well done and put together. They explained their readings in a manner that I could follow and helped me appreciate the readings further. Also, I am starting to worry if we have enough ways to sort out the placement of our mats. The more complicated methods that we used this week were very interesting to be able to see where everyone is from and what their majors are. However, I cannot figure out what other ways Dr. Schultz has up her sleeve to sort us. I feel like eventually, we are going to have to start sorting by social security number or length of hair. These, nevertheless, are very intriguing to watch as we sort ourselves out and get to know one another better.

This week, I have fallen in love with shavasana all over again. It has been a long time since I have been able to just completely lose myself in it becuase I am usually watching the time and getting ready to wake everyone up. However, the ability to indulge in this practice fully while also exploring new ways to use bolsters and blankets that we do not have the luxury of in the bearobics studio has made me passionate about this practice again. 

Practice outside of class has been enjoyable as well. I have been noticing that I am continuing to shape and mold my classes that I am teaching as I learn new things in my Yoga and Philosophy class. I am able to incorporate new Sanskrit words into my practice and teach my students new concepts and ideas that I had not learned about yet. My sense of humor has also increased in my practice. Last class I taught, I caught myself telling my students to "think chair-like thoughts" during our practice of chair pose. 

Also, before this class, I had never used an eye pillow before, let alone a scented one. After I brought mine home the first time, I thought that I should try it out before bed to help me relax and fall asleep faster. I am not sure what happened first, whether the pillow somehow instantaneously knocked me unconscious, or the scent of lavender shut my brain down. Either way, I have never fallen asleep that quickly before in my life. I woke up wondering where I was, who I was, and where did that blasted pillow go. (Trust me, I made sure to find the little miracle worker). 

Stay zen, my fellow yogis and yoginis.

Upward-facing Dog

1 comment:

  1. I had not thought of SSN or hair length. we are going for name of favorite pet today!
